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Sending Telemetry and Controllable Load Data

This tutorial provides a quick guide to submitting telemetry readings (either controllable load or meter readings) via the Voltus API.

About Telemetry and Controllable Load

Telemetry readings represent instantaneous points of energy usage via a point of interconnection. Voltus uses these readings to measure site performance during and after demand-response dispatches. You can also view these readings in the VoltApp Real-Time Energy Dashboard and retrieve them in the API as described in Retrieving Telemetry Data.

Controllable load, on the other hand, is supposed to represent the amount of energy that a site can reduce or increase in response to a dispatch signal. This is meant to help Voltus understand the site's capabilities and constraints in advance of a dispatch.


For testing, you can just need a Sandbox API key (or you can use the secret API key). To actually see your sites' telemetry in production, you'll need:

  • A Voltus API key (VOLTUS_API_KEY). If you don’t have one, email or your Account Manager.
  • One or more sites configured. If sending telemetry (as opposed to controllable load), these sites must also be configured with meter objects.

Getting Site and Meter IDs

You can skip this step if you already have a set of IDs you want to send telemetry data for.

Otherwise, retrieve a list of your sites through the get /sites endpoint. The following cURL request will do this for you:

curl --header 'X-Voltus-API-Key: YOUR_API_KEY'

The response will look something like this:

"sites": [
"name": "site 1",
"id": "as7f",
"customer_location_id": "your_id_1",
"meters": [
"id": "rtas",
"name": "meter for site 1"
"name": "site 2",
"id": "k829",
"customer_location_id": "you_id_2",
"meters": [
"id": "1k38",
"name": "meter for site 2"
"id": "8j3j",
"name": "generator meter for site 2"
"page": 0,
"perPage": 0

For sending telemetry, you'll need the meter id (what's under the "meters" object in the above example). For controllable load, you need the site id.

Sending Telemetry

A telemetry reading has 5 components:

  • interval_seconds: The time interval in seconds for which the reading is valid.
  • meter_id: The ID of the meter object associated with the reading.
  • timestamp: The time at which the reading was taken is ISO8601 format.
  • units: The units of the reading (kW for an instantaneous power reading, kWh to represent energy used).
  • value: The value of the reading.

To send a telemetry reading, you'll need to send a POST request to the /2022-04-15/telemetry endpoint with a list of these readings. Here's a quick example using cURL:

curl --header 'X-Voltus-API-Key: YOUR_API_KEY' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{
"telemetry": [
"interval_seconds": 30,
"site_id": "yd4g",
"timestamp": "2024-01-02T09:00:00Z",
"units": "kW",
"value": 300.5

In this case, we are submitting the data to the sandbox server. This will test that you are sending well-formed payloads, without actually saving the data.

To submit to production, replace with (, to be precise).

Sending Controllable Load

Controllable load readings are like telemetry readings, but are associated with a site rather than a meter. Thus, you need to send the site_id instead of the meter_id. These readings are sent to a different endpoint: /2022-04-15/telemetry/controllable-load. Here's an example cURL request:

curl --header 'X-Voltus-API-Key: YOUR_API_KEY' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{
"controllable_load": [
"interval_seconds": 30,
"site_id": "yd4g",
"timestamp": "2024-01-02T09:00:00Z",
"units": "kW",
"value": 500.0

As with regular telemetry, replace with to submit data to production.

Submitting Data Programatically

Here's a quick python script which you can use as a basis for your own telemetry submission.

This source code to this script can also be found in voltus-api-examples as telemetry/

import dataclasses
import os
import sys
from typing import List, Union

import requests

VOLTUS_API_URL = os.getenv("VOLTUS_API_URL", "")

s = requests.Session()
s.headers.update({"X-Voltus-API-Key": VOLTUS_API_KEY, "Accept": "application/json"})

class TelemetryReading:
interval_seconds: int
meter_id: str
timestamp: str
units: str
value: float

class ControllableLoadReading:
interval_seconds: int
site_id: str
timestamp: str
units: str
value: float

def _send_telemetry(url: str, datatype: str, readings: Union[List[TelemetryReading], List[ControllableLoadReading]]):
r =, json={
datatype: [dataclasses.asdict(reading) for reading in readings]
if r.status_code != 200:
sys.stderr.write(f"Failed to send telemetry: {r.text}\n")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
sys.stderr.write(f"Failed to send telemetry: {e}\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 7:
sys.stderr.write("Usage: python <telemetry_type> <interval_seconds> <meter_or_site_id> <timestamp> <units> <value>")

if VOLTUS_API_KEY is None:
sys.stderr.write("VOLTUS_API_KEY environment variable is unset\n")

telemetry_type = sys.argv[1]
reading_class = None
if telemetry_type == "telemetry":
url = f"{VOLTUS_API_URL}/telemetry"
reading_class = TelemetryReading
elif telemetry_type == "controllable_load":
url = f"{VOLTUS_API_URL}/telemetry/controllable-load"
reading_class = ControllableLoadReading
sys.stderr.write("Invalid telemetry type. Must be 'telemetry' or 'controllable_load'\n")

# Create a telemetry reading object
reading = reading_class(
int(sys.argv[2]), # interval seconds
sys.argv[3], # site or meter id

# Attempt to send it
_send_telemetry(url, telemetry_type, [reading])

Next Steps

When you are successfully streaming data to our systems, contact us at We will mark these sites as enabled, and you (and/or your customers) will be able to see the data in the VoltApp Real-Time Energy Dashboard.