Build a Control Integration
This article gives an overview of how to automate your demand response participation with a Voltus control integration.
Getting Started
- Introduction to Demand Response describes the basics of demand response and key API concepts. It’s written for developers and Product Managers.
- Making Your First API Request - a five minute starter exercise for developers.
- Create a REST Dispatch Integration shows you how to build a dispatch integration with the Voltus REST API.
- If you prefer OpenADR, we provide an overview of OpenADR at Voltus as well as guidance on Getting a TLS Certificate and Connecting to our VTN. Note that at this time we are unable to provide any testing environments for OpenADR until you have a contractual relationship with Voltus.
- We require a series of tests to verify system readiness:
- Three Dispatch Simulations in your private sandbox
- An Integration Test in production, no curtailment expected
- A Dispatch Verification: a live curtailment test in production.
You’ll move through these stages with support from our team:
- Decide whether to use the REST API, or OpenADR. You can change this later.
For the REST API:
- Obtain a sandbox key by contacting your Sales Director or Specify your intended integration method. We will also issue a production key if you are eligible at this time.
- Use your private sandbox to run dispatch simulations while you build your integration.
- After passing all simulations, request a production key if you don’t already have one.
For OpenADR:
- Contact your Sales Director or to determine your OpenADR configuration
- Send a Certificate Signing Request
- With the signed certificate, connect to your Voltus VTN
For all integrations:
- Connect to the production environment and create a test dispatch.
- If successful, you are ready for a Dispatch Verification (curtailment expected) with your first real site. Contact your Sales Director and for next steps.